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Idea of iPower

   Power is only a tool used to exert one's beliefs unto others, and this may have consequences or good possibilities depending on the belief of the person. The person usually acquires power, when people have acknowledged that the person is confident of his/her beliefs, and is able to pursue the objectives of his/her goal. The reason why these people  are influential is because they present strength, when they pursue beliefs without doubt, meaning, there is no sign of weakness and they display qualities of a strong character, these are qualities that help influence people's beliefs and engage people to take action.

    In our Website/Blog, iPOWER, we want to discuss the different ways of how power could be used, and have been used by influential people in the past till the present; these could either be negative or positive depending on how the power was being used.  Since anyone could be a leader, one just needs to show strong character and determination for their goals. Although it is the belief that the person holds that either positively or negatively affect the action being done.

    It is stated that man naturally exercises power because of his will and his position in life as the highest form of being but he can exercise it in different ways and different situations. However, one must take note that directing towards the good is one of the things that makes man natural because his will is inclined to the good. Since man has the power to decide what to do in and with his life, he has the ability to choose actions that would lead him to do good which will benefit him and his peers.But because of the freedom he is given, he can tend to do otherwise.

   The Idea of iPOWER is to show the readers how other people used their power to create change and from these stories we want inspire the readers that with their own power they can create big change. We have shown stories from international, local, historical.. be it may from small or big personalities..  they illustrated that even if they are only small part of the bigger picture it is still possible  to contribute to a great change to the world. change can come from all shapes and sizes if the individual is determined. 

    The different kinds of power each possesses can actually change the world for the better if man thinks for the common good. Power cannot and should not be abused because abusing it only leads to self-satisfaction, benefiting only him while it can bring down his fellow men. When power is rooted in the right decisions, when power is exercised properly, when power is directed towards the good, then indeed, improvements will occur; thus, these powers, big or small, will change the world.

Copyright 2012 iPOWER. Friendly reminder from the powerpuff group- Always use your power wisely. 

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